Scrub Typhus Antibody
Scrub typhus, also known as bush typhus, is a disease caused by a bacteria called Orientia tsutsugamushi. Scrub typhus is spread to people through bites of infected chiggers (larval mites). The most common symptoms of scrub typhus include fever, headache, body aches, and sometimes rash.
SPECIMEN: 2 mL (1 mL min.) serum from 1 SST. Ship refrigerated or frozen.
STABILITY: Room: 8 hrs; Refrigerated: 5 days Frozen: 2 weeks
PRE-TEST INFORMATION: No special preparation required.
USAGE: Scrub Typhus is an infectious disease that is caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi a bacteria that belongs to family of Rickettsiaceae. A bite from a trombiculid larval mite, followed by symptoms including fever, a spotted rash on torso, black eschar at the site of mite bite, body & muscle pain and swelling of lymph glands. After the onset of symptoms, the IgM antibody titers increase gradually over 2-3 weeks and peak at about 4 weeks. Common complications associated with Scrub typhus are acute kidney injury, hepatitis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), meningoencephalitis, myocarditis and septic shock.
Category: Immunology